So today is Valentine's Day...except that we celebrated on Friday, a non-schoool day. So today was really just a Monday. I went to work and ran some errands and after running errands I have decided that Walmart is the funnest place to be on Valentine's Day at about 5pm. While I have always greatly enjoyed people watching, it is particularly wonderful on Valentine's Day.
As I walked through the store, I watched countless men standing by the flowers holding about three bouquets trying to decide which was better. I watch as another guy reading the Halmark cards. There were the usual dressed up men with bunch of flowers and box of chocolates (obviously on their way home from work), but there were also large tattooed men carrying ridiculously stupid looking stuffed animals, scrawny teenage boys with pants that were WAY too tight holding the smallest, saddest bouquet of flowers I have ever seen, and the cool guys standing in the baking aisle discussing how to make sugar cookies! I'm not exactly sure why it made me so happy to see them all. Perhaps its that Valentine's day is an equalizer of sort. The old, young, cool, punk, nerdy, and downright awkward all going to great lengths to find a Valentine's present for the one they love!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
WHY WERE YOU IN WALMART. all creeps go there. i don't know why you were surprised there were weird people there. oh megan. megan megan megan.